[PlanetCCRMA] Building rpms...

Lamar Owen lowen at pari.edu
Mon Feb 1 10:52:12 PST 2010

On Sunday 31 January 2010 03:40:25 am Simon Lewis wrote:
> I agree with you - unfortunately I have been unable to find a procedure
> written for the "normal user" how to make an rpm sandbox in the HOME
> directory. There was a neat article in Linux User at the end of last
> year with an example based on openSUSE, but I could not get the same
> procedure to work on Fedora 12.

Install the 'rpmdevtools' package (as root, of course) and run the rpmdev-
setuptree script as the user you want to build as.  This sets up the tree 
properly and sets up the rpmbuild macros properly for building as a normal 

See a couple of HOWTOs:

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