[PlanetCCRMA] fedora 12 support (coming?)

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Nov 19 17:02:55 PST 2009

On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 15:15 -0800, Tracey Hytry wrote:
> Thanks for trying to get something together on fedora 12.
> I've been running fedora 12 on a machine for a while and it seems 
> pretty stable.  I too tried the pre-upgrade from fedora 11 to 12 
> right after the beta came out.  I guess I got lucky and everything 
> worked out very well for me.

I'm sure something weird is going on at the hardware level. I literally
did not have time today to even look at the test machine. 

> Later, I'll load up your newest fedora 12 stuff and give it a try.
> Thanks for the hard work, I've been waiting for the "31" rt kernel.

I've had it for some time (and have been tracking the releases) but the
problem is the "nomodeset" stuff in fc10 & fc11 which cannot be easily
made the default without affecting the other kernels. Other than that it
works fine (you also need a newer version of rtirq which is there in the
fc12 repository). 

-- Fernando

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