[PlanetCCRMA] fedora 12 support (coming?)

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Nov 19 13:53:29 PST 2009

On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 11:58 -0800, Jeff Sandys wrote:
> Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > 
> > Hey, many might have noticed that:
> >   http://fedoraproject.org/
> > now points to Fedora 12 as the latest version :-)
> > 
> > You can see what's there here:
> > http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetccrma/12/i386/repoview/
> > http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetcore/12/i386/repoview/
> > (replace i386 by x86_64 for the 64 bit links)
> > 
> Fernando,
> Thanks for your efforts to keep Planet CCRMA up to date.
> Have you thought of building a Koji system to auto build all the 
> Planet CCRMA packages?

I'm not using koji, still using "plague" instead (the previous Fedora
build system). So yes, I have a build server and all related
infrastructure. After dealing with the inevitable problems of a new base
os to support I'm now in the process of building new packages (I still
have to upgrade my "automatically build all" script - after that it is
much easier). 

> It could be set up to use Rawhide during the fedora development 
> and might easy the amount effort required for each new release, 
> (after the huge effort setting up a Koji server the first time).
> And it might help in encouraging some of the CCRMA packages 
> that meet fedora's license requirements to migrate to 'core'.

Well, for that we need more packagers... I'm not sure I want to track
rawhide, that would be too much work for very little return (who is into
serious audio work that would actually use rawhide in production?? :-). 

> Let me know how I can help, though I'm more of a user than 
> a developer.

-- Fernando

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