[PlanetCCRMA] Cinelerra--Missing in the 64-bit Repository

Sean Beeson seanbeeson at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 07:44:05 PDT 2009

> Sorry, it is no longer part of Planet CCRMA (I have to fix the pages).
> Look at the repoview pages (see the links in the "Installing
> Applications" section).
> Cinelerra can be found in the kwizart repository...
> -- Fernando

The kwizart repository works well.

The instructions on Cinelerra's own site are not exactly correct from what I
have discovered and they have nothing on Fedora 10. I had the free and
non-free RPM Fusion packages already installed which I think cover some of
the codecs you may what to have. Just using the following worked well for my

rpm -Uvh http://rpms.kwizart.net/kwizart-release-10.rpm

yum install cinelerra-cv* --enablerepo=kwizart

Thanks again,

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