[PlanetCCRMA] Cinelerra--Missing in the 64-bit Repository

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Mar 14 23:25:26 PDT 2009

On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 14:33 +0900, Sean Beeson wrote:
> Cinelerra is listed as being in the x86_64 Planet CCRMA package
> collection for fc10, x86_64: fc8fc9fc10 c5, but it isn't there when
> using 'yum install cinelerra'. A search doesn't find it either.

Sorry, it is no longer part of Planet CCRMA (I have to fix the pages).
Look at the repoview pages (see the links in the "Installing
Applications" section). 

Cinelerra can be found in the kwizart repository...

-- Fernando

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