[PlanetCCRMA] Shouldn't You Be Able to Run 32-bit Programs(SuperCollider, Pd and ChuCK) Under 64-Bit Fedora With Multilib

steve linabery slinabery at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 07:34:30 PDT 2009

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Sean Beeson <seanbeeson at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am preparing to build a Fedora 10 system on an AMD Athlon 64 X2 and AMD
> 780G chipset system and noticed that Fernando mentions that if you want to
> run 32-bit programs you should run the 32-bit version of Fedora 9 or 10. I
> have a few 64-bit CentOS, Fedora 9 and Red Hat servers I work with and
> multilibs usually gets included in the install of these. I think CentOS
> actually promoted me if I wanted support for 32-bit programs, or was it
> Fedora 9? Anyway, I have compiled, installed with yum and run 32-bit
> programs without any problems under 64-bit plateforms. I usually haven't had
> to think about it because it's always just been there as far as I remember
> in the last few releases, so I am not very knowledgeable on the nuances of
> running 32-bits programs under a 64-bit Fedora. I know there used to be some
> problems, but was lucky enough to not have to deal with them then. Can't the
> programs that are mentioned in the install notes run with multilib support?
> Does the rt kernel cause problems with this?  I am hoping to me able to work
> with PD on this system.
> -Sean Beeson (the one in Japan)

I compiled pd from source on my 64-bit system (f10, planet-ccrma), and
it works quite well:
[slinaber at audio ~]$ pd -version
Pd version 0.42-4
compiled 13:36:31 Feb 11 2009

IIRC I had to check it out from the repo to get a version that would
compile, but check the docs at http://puredata.info

Good luck,

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