[PlanetCCRMA] Just thought you might like to know-- Korg nanoSeries

Jeff Sandys sandysj at juno.com
Mon Jun 15 12:05:38 PDT 2009

SeanBeeson wrote:
> No, I'm not a Korg representative, but when hardware works right out of
> the
> box on a Linux system it seems to be a natural thing to pass on the news.
> Over the weekend I picked up the set of three USB Korg nano controllers
> http://www.korgnano.com/ 
> ...
> --Sean

I'll second Sean's review.  I bought the Nano controller and the keyboard 
and used them with CCRMA at the Fedora table at LinuxFest NorthWest.
* velocity sensitive keyboard with 4 response curves
* parameter editor works with wine
* shows up in qjackctl patch
* used successfully with Bristol, PD, AMS, Aeolus, Zyn
* USB powered, ran controller and keyboard thru a usb hub with my laptop
-- Jeff Sandys

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