
Tracey Hytry shakti at bayarea.net
Fri Jan 23 02:03:52 PST 2009

Fernando says:

> I released a kernel for both fc9 (planetcore-testing)
> and fc10. Seems to be working fine so far. I reverted some config file
> changes I made a while back while trying to debug the midi problem - it
> did have an effect on my laptop in the sense that a "IRQ19 ignored"
> message disappeared. The changes mostly had to do with the rtc timer (I
> had reverted to the old rtc timer interface, looks like some stuff is
> happier with the new)... 

So far, so good!

On 64 bit machine:
rtc0 is back!
no xruns
external midi input works
no problems reported in dmesg or /var/log/messages

On 32 bit machine:
rtc0 also back
no xruns letting play hydrogen demo
(hydrogen drum roll)
No Errors on the 32bitter!!!  (ata bug is gone)

Maybe tomorrow I'll get to do a full test with both machines synced together(both alsa sound clock and midi), along with the external synths.

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