[PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA kernel-rt + ndiswrapper = :-(

lobzang at free.fr lobzang at free.fr
Thu Feb 5 04:21:17 PST 2009

I remember I had to disable network-manager because it was putting down my
connection , don't know if this can help you.
Anyway did you have a look at /var/log/messages ?


Quoting Timo Sivula <timo.sivula at gmail.com>:

> > From: Jeff Sandys <sandysj at juno.com>
> > Isn't the ndiswrapper a proprietary module not available from the fedora
> > repository?
> > If so you probably need to rebuild the rpm with the rt-kernel-headers.
> > It is not that hard, follow the instructions from this fedora forums post:
> > http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=126183
> Hi, yes I compiled my own binary for the kernel-rt and installed it,
> otherwise the module would not load at all. Unfortunately this does not
> help...
> Timo
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