[PlanetCCRMA] f10/2.6.26-rt not working/ffado use

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Feb 25 12:24:08 PST 2009

On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 17:44 +0100, Raphael Raccuia wrote:
> Hi list...
> I'm very new fedora/ccrma user. I use Ubuntu and some debian fork music 
> oriented since 3 years, and I wanted to change, just to know other 
> distributions... I choosed CCRMA for its kernel-rt, rtirq script and 
> other configurations well integrated, and for its ffado/jackd last 
> versions in repositories... I also like its sound development 
> orientation (pd super collider etc...)
> But the rt-kernel refuse to work: boot starts normally, then stop and 
> verboses some informations I can't find in log files... He tells about 
> udev fail on last line...

Sorry you are getting into problems so early :-(

Do you remember the exact error message it prints?

If the rt kernel can't boot on your hardware then the rest of the
firewire stuff will not work I'm afraid to say. Sigh. I take it you are
able to boot normally into the Fedora kernels right?

Which version of Fedora did you install? Fedora 10?

> And a FFADO question: do I have to install raw1394 to use my fw device, 
> or it is supposed to work with ohci_core/ohci_...???

You would not need to install anything special...
-- Fernando

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