[PlanetCCRMA] Last good midi kernel?

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Feb 2 10:56:12 PST 2009

On Sun, 2009-02-01 at 20:37 -0800, Tracey Hytry wrote:
> Carl Bauer posted:
> > I am still having problems with midi input from an external keyboard, even
> > with the latest rt kernels for F9. Since everything else about my soundcard
> > just works (even midi out), I'm thinking possible hardware failure.
> What kernel(s) are you using?
> The latest/greatest is
> If you're using the above kernel already please post what you've found so 
> we can try to find if that kernel still has problems, if it has problems 
> with your hardware, or if(gulp) something may be wrong hardware-side.

As of a few minutes ago the latest is :-)
(in planetcore-testing for fc9, in planetcore for fc10)

See the announcement here:
(with some "coming soon" news as well for 2.6.28.x...)

-- Fernando

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