[PlanetCCRMA] Jacktrip: 1 server and 2 clients, is it possible?

Chris Chafe cc at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Sep 29 09:14:49 PDT 2008

Hi Helle,

The PlanetCCRMA jacktrip still has the port offset "-o" feature. It is a
stable release and will not be developed further.

The sourceforge jacktrip-alpha-1 project still needs that feature
implemented (among several others). 

The latter is a total rewrite and will eventually replace the
PlanetCCRMA version. Testing and feedback are most welcome and there's
now a mail list jacktrip-devel at lists.sourceforge.net


On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 09:27 +0200, Helle Espen wrote:
> Thanks,
> But, actually I belive this parameter has been removed in the alpha-1
> version.(saw it in earlier versions.)
> I also wish there was a parameter to set the name of the
> Jacktrip-client. 
> To differensiate between two jacktrips on one comnputer.
> JackTrip and JackTrip-1 is a kind of similar when one is going to
> connect several computers 
> and depends on which one is started first...
> Espen

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