[PlanetCCRMA] Jacktrip: 1 server and 2 clients, is it possible?

Helle Espen Espen.Helle at sintef.no
Mon Sep 29 00:27:32 PDT 2008

But, actually I belive this parameter has been removed in the alpha-1
version.(saw it in earlier versions.)
I also wish there was a parameter to set the name of the
To differensiate between two jacktrips on one comnputer.
JackTrip and JackTrip-1 is a kind of similar when one is going to
connect several computers 
and depends on which one is started first...



-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Chafe [mailto:cc at ccrma.Stanford.EDU] 
Sent: 26. september 2008 22:23
To: Helle Espen
Cc: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Jacktrip: 1 server and 2 clients, is it


The option to use is "-o" which will accept an integer for port number

Use one sever / client pair with the default (which will require UDP
port 4464), and use the other pair with, e.g., -o 10 which will assign
port 4474.


On Tue, 2008-09-16 at 10:09 +0200, Helle Espen wrote:
> Thanks :)
> Can you explain little more?
> How do you set 2 jacktrip servers to bind to a different UDP ports?
> I do not find any option for UDP port number from the commando line.
> Do you change UDP-port constant and recompile jacktrip to get another 
> version, or is there some simpler way to do it?
> Espen
> ______________________________________________________________________
> From: Chris Chafe [mailto:cc at ccrma.Stanford.EDU]
> Sent: 15. september 2008 15:43
> To: Helle Espen; planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Jacktrip: 1 server and 2 clients, is it 
> possible?
> Hi,
> Yes it works but a slightly different way to describe it, though. 
> I would use two servers and two clients where the servers are the same

> machine and the two clients are different ones.
> The concept is currently that you create a network connection 
> bi-directionally between pairs of machines. A machine can have 
> multiple jackTrip processes running (e.g., the two servers) as long as

> they are assigned different UDP ports.
> Audio gets patched in qjackctl according to your needs. The same mic 
> input, for instance could feed the two server processes.
> Chris
> On Mon, 15 Sep 2008 13:22:51 +0200, Helle Espen wrote
> > Hi, I am using alpha-1 version of jacktrip. 
> > But I am wondering if it is possible to have one server with two 
> > clients connected simultaniously?
> > I am trying, but it does seem to work. 
> >   
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