[PlanetCCRMA] How is 64-bit? Want to run CCRMA from a ram disk.

David Nielson naptastic at comcast.net
Thu Sep 25 09:14:04 PDT 2008

I've been using 32-bit Fedora 8 + CCRMA for some time now, and I'm 
loving it. There are a few applications that I build myself so I can 
have the newer versions, but other than that, it's vanilla Fedora and 
vanilla CCRMA.

I am thinking about the 64-bit version, for a specific reason. (Remember 
that I'm crazy.) I am contemplating building a machine with, say, 16 GiB 
of RAM, and allocating the majority of it, at boot, to a ram disk, and 
loading the entire operating system into that ram disk. (DSL, or Damn 
Small Linux, does this.) I've already got all my recording files on a 
computer in the other room, so this would allow me to run a computer 
with no hard drives, and would be wickedly fast.

Has anyone attempted this?


PS - I currently have the computer booting from a USB thumb drive, so 
it's already near silent. But, the thumb drive is slightly slower than 
running from a hard disk, so I'm looking around for other solutions.

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