[PlanetCCRMA] Phonic Helix Board 24 on Fedora

Jonathan Gazeley jonathan.gazeley at bristol.ac.uk
Wed Sep 24 07:05:33 PDT 2008

I did actually get my mixer working on Fedora 8 in the end - by 
compiling ffado myself and referring to the FFADO-user mailing list 
(ffado-user at lists.sourceforge.net).

The guys there were very helpful and I recommend posting there - or 
checking the archives to read my original post and its responses.


Jay Stanley wrote:
> photonjunky said: 
>> I'm having the same issue... specifically the
>> src/libffado.so: undefined reference to
>> `raw1394_read_cycle_timer'
>>  if you've figured this one out please respond,
>> thanks..
> I encountered the same problem (libffado) with an Echo Audiofire2.  I was really determined to make it work.  Summary: I'd recommend waiting for libffado to be added to ccrma unless you're really determined.
> I ended up setting up a completely new partition and installed a distro called 64Studio (to allow it to work until libffado is added to ccrma).
> Then, followed these notes 
>   http://ffado.org/?q=node/163
> and
>   http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=484E4468.3070702%40joow.be&forum_name=ffado-user
> In short, this required me to register with the libffado site to see the discussions/doc, get the very latest libffado (+ dependencies) + Jack (+ dependencies/working with libffado) from SVN (ie very latest releases), compiling those manually, and installing them.
> This is really on the 'bleeding edge' and did take a lot of effort, but so far things are quite stable; no xruns running Ardour2 on a thinkpad t61, and the libffado mixer works fine.  I'm missing a bunch of packages of course though...  and of course there are many debian -vs- fedora differences.
> Hope this helps.
> ps - just want to say 'thanks' to Fernando and the ccrma crew for providing such a great distro -- I've been using it since RH6, and this isn't easy!

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