[PlanetCCRMA] firewire ffado support in jack

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Sep 12 16:29:29 PDT 2008

On Fri, 2008-09-12 at 20:20 +0200, simone-www.io-lab.org wrote:
> hi
> i am running fedora 8 with ccrma and i ve just acquired a firewire
> soundcard but trying to launch jack with firewire i get
> jackd: unknown driver 'firewire'
> as far as i can understand that means that no firewire audio drivers
> are installed

That means that jack does not have the driver you want. 
What version of jack are you running?
  rpm -q jack-audio-connection-kit

The current jack does not have the faado driver included. Someone
(sorry, don't remember the name) was working in packaging the faado
libraries for Fedora, don't know what the status of that is. 

The current driver available for jack firewire usage is called freebob
(the previous incantation of faado). 

-- Fernando

> having a look at ffado site i may have to deinstall jack, install
> ffado and reinstall jack to have ffado support, that means compiling
> jack from source and not being able to use ccrma s jack , right?
> i thought that firewire audio was supported since the raw1394 library
> was installed, or am i missing something?
> any other idea/hint about firewire support is welcome
> simone

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