[PlanetCCRMA] libraw1394 problems and jack

Hector Centeno hcengar at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 18:12:01 PST 2008


After some time away from Fedora I'm reinstalling Fedora 9 and CCRMA
in my desktop. There use to be a libraw1394 provided by CCRMA that
would solve the problems when using a firewire audio interface (a
Edirol FA-101 in my case) and the new Juju stack. Now there seems to
be no CCRMA package (in planetcore there is one for FC8 but not for
FC9) and I'm still unable to start jack without it:

Freebob using Firewire port 0, node -1
Ieee1394Service::initialize: Could not get 1394 handle: Invalid argument
Is ieee1394 and raw1394 driver loaded?
LibFreeBoB ERR: cannot create libfreebob handle
FreeBoB ERR: FREEBOB: Error creating virtual device
Cannot attach audio driver
Fatal (devicemanager.cpp)[68] initialize: Could not initialize
Ieee1349Service object
Fatal (freebob.cpp)[69] freebob_new_handle: Could not
initialize device manager
no message buffer overruns
JackServer::Open() failed with -1
Failed to start server

I'm using the kernel from the
testing CCRMA repo. Is there anyone being able to use firewire audio
without this? Did I miss something? My system is up to date.



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