[PlanetCCRMA] new kernels, swami

Michael TD Nelson m_nels at gmx.net
Thu Nov 6 09:19:15 PST 2008


On Fri, 2008-09-12 at 10:14 -0700, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> In fc9 it may be necessary to install "yum-allowdowngrades" and add the
> incantation "--allow-downgrade" at the end of the yum install line. 

I think you mean "yum-allowdowngrade"... I just spent a good few minutes
trying to work that out (until I remembered I could do "yum list *yum*")

Also, for reference on Fedora 9, I think the package in question has a
different name? I did this:

yum install kernel-rt- --allow-downgrade

Once I'd worked that out, it went seemed to go well, and I can now do a
"yum update" again... I haven't tested the new kernel yet though.


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