Joseph Dell'Orfano fullgo at dellorfano.net
Sun Nov 2 21:43:33 PST 2008

Hi everybody,

I am trying to find a solution to vst support on a ccrma fedora 8  
system. Oh, did I mention I'm running 64-bit? That seems to be a major  
wall preventing dssi-vst and others from compiling. I can compile wine- 
asio-x and jackbridge seems work fine. I cannot get Reaper to run, nor  
can I get extreme-xt to run with jack support (cannot compile libamm).  
I am using the stock wine packages from ccrma which do not appear to  
be 64-bit so this may prevent programs such as reaper from working.

So, any suggestions would be appreciated. There do not seem to be a  
lot of success stories out there.


Joe Dell'Orfano

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