[PlanetCCRMA] Installing on CentOS

Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale Arnaud.Gomes at ircam.fr
Sun Nov 2 14:46:28 PST 2008

"Gilles Pelletier" <pellgill at gmail.com> writes:

> But it doesn't say how to install on CentOS. (Please tell me that it
> is as easy as on Fedora 8. Please. Please 8^} )

Not as easy as there is no planetccrma-apps package, but almost.

First install the planetccrma-repo package from
<http://mirrors.ircam.fr/pub/planetccrma/mirror/centos/linux/planetccrma/5/i386/planetccrma-repo-1.1-1.el5.ccrma.noarch.rpm>. You
can then install any package you need by "yum install package". You
should definitely install at least the planetccrma-menus and
planetccrma-core packages, plus whatever you want to use.

Now I guess I will have to build planetccrma-apps at last. :-)


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