[PlanetCCRMA] Re: fixing suspend with kernel and Nvidia

Hector Centeno hcengar at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 07:58:01 PST 2008

ok, I found why, it was related to having vsync activated and Compiz.
Now with vsync deactivated in the compiz preference and in
nvidia-settings suspend works!



On Feb 3, 2008 10:51 PM, Hector Centeno <hcengar at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone in the list know if suspend to ram works using the
> CCRMA kernel (which I have to use for Freebob support) and
> the proprietary Nvidia driver? I can get it to go into suspend mode
> but when returning I only get a blank screen with a segment of the
> gnome panel at the bottom corrupted and the mouse pointer (which is
> responsive). I can't reset it with ctrl-alt-del. I guess the RT+Nvidia
> isn't a very promising combination for suspend, but I'm just wondering
> if someone got it working. I'm using the Nvidia driver version
> 100.14.19, any newer version than that one gives me problems with
> Ardour (it uses 90% CPU while idle).
> Thanks,
> Hector

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