[PlanetCCRMA] : new firewire stack.

Mysth-R mysthr21 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 05:11:02 PDT 2007


I would like to try to use the new firewire "Juju".
Yes, I have got some issues with my firewire sound card, and the integrated
chipset on my laptop (a ricoh chipset). The sound card deconnect randomly
and I can't use it to play live.
Stephan Richter told me some time ago, that the new firewire juju, "could"
solved my problem. So I would like to try. But I don't understand very well
how I am supposed to tell freebob to use the new driver. In fact freebob
allways look for libraw1394 etc...

Is some one already use the new drivers, and could tell me how can I use it
too ?
Thanks for your help.

{^_^} Mysth-R {^_^}

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