[PlanetCCRMA] xine and jackd

lanas lanas at securenet.net
Sat Oct 20 18:40:09 PDT 2007

Le Samedi, 20 Octobre 2007 23:40:07 +0200,
Mysth-R <mysthr21 at gmail.com> a écrit :

> It works for me on fedora 7 with these packages :
> xine 0.99.5-1.lvn7
> xine-lib 1.1.6-2.fc7
> xine-lib-extras 1.1.6-2.fc7
> xine-lib-extras-nonfree 1.1.6-1.lvn7
> xine-plugin 1.0-3.fc7
> hope this can help you

That's OK, all that's needed for xine to work with jack is the
command-line parameter, i.e. any current version of xine should be the
same regarding this.


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