[PlanetCCRMA] nvidia with kernel-rt on fc6-1386

jo punish studiof451 at yahoo.de
Thu Mar 8 21:04:01 PST 2007

hallo, since a long time I make my mm-experiments on diverse 
linux-audio-distros. Now I installed a fresh fc6 on my amd-3800-x2-939 with 
nvidia-graphics. The new kernel 2.6.20-0119.rt8.fc6.ccrmart and the most 
software-stuff are working fin. But without the native nvidia-graphics-driver 
i have problems with my lcd-screen and render-stuff. I searched at livna and 
there are only driver for the 2.6.19.* kernel. Is there in short time a 
possibility to get the right driver for the new kernel-rt?

thanks loop dundee
come, see and get your cyberbrain ... its free ;)

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