A bit OT: trying to install fc7 from hard drive - was [PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 7: Planet CCRMA for i386!

Cyrill cduneau at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 10 12:07:02 PDT 2007

and thanks for the answers.
I think my mistake was to assume that the installation would work from another logical partition, while it should be done from another primary partition... Not sure, but it seems very likely to me...

Anyway, I have installed fc7 from a dvd-rw, and am right now "yuming" the planet-ccrma packages...

thanks again,


Bob Wilkinson <wilkinson.bob at comcast.net> wrote: If I understand correctly, the iso image must be uncompressed, or mounted.

What I did for my last "network" install was to download the iso image to another computer running linux, and then mounted the image onto a directory I came up with (/mnt/fc6iso) - the mount command was "mount -t=iso9660 -o loop /{home/name}/{isoimagename}.iso /mnt/fc6iso".

Then, using NFS, I shared the directory on the network.

Finally, I burned a CD with the boot.iso image, and did a network install, using {ip_address}/mnt/fc6iso

Otherwise, I believe that you would need to dd the image to a directory location, then find that directory location for the install (locally).

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Cyrill 
> Hi there
> It may be a bit off topic, sorry...
> Im trying to install fc7 on my pc i386, which has already an Ubuntu on it. I've 
> downloaded the
> .iso for fc7 and burnt the rescuecd.iso on a cd-rw, then i boot from it and 
> choose "install from
> hard drive", then i select the location of the file (here, 
> /home/myself/Fedora-blahblah.iso), but
> at this point i get an error message "Installation exited abnormally"?
> Anyone has already tried this kind of install?
> Thanks,
> cyrill 
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