[PlanetCCRMA] info driver ati fglrx installation on your kernel

HeadTrip headtrip at email.it
Sat Jun 2 08:27:01 PDT 2007


at Firstly I arise; I'm Headtrip and I'm glad to knew you

at secondly I'm sorry for my bad English; I'm Italian ;)

So,I had met your great work from your web pages  and I've installed simply 
everything your compiled software on my system from your repository

Now I have your kernel installed and all your software,but I have a question: 
as I've installed your kernel on my fedora 6, I don't manage to install ati 
driver on my system becouse before ,I got install fglrx modules from livna 

now if I try to install kmod-fglrx from livna repository, I get that it is not 
possible becouse the kernel whence it doing reference is not installed

this is the error from yumex:

Missing Dependency: kernel-i686 = 2.6.20-1.2952.fc6 is needed by package 

Can I have some information to install ati modules in my system please

thanks for your support

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