[PlanetCCRMA] ccrma kernel and fedora package updater

oiro at email.arizona.edu oiro at email.arizona.edu
Fri Jun 1 18:11:01 PDT 2007


 I am running ccrma with FC6. Just starting to get the hang of things. I
definately want to thank all the people who put work into this distro!!

Some general questions about the the kernel....

1. The Fedora package updater says there's updated kernel packages to install,
but the kernel it's recommending is  "Update to kernel". However,
ccrma is 2.6.21...etc. Why does fedora want to update to that kernel?  Does
this have something to do with how ccrma is a kernel module of some sort?
Should I install the update?

2. Also, there are two broken links in
/lib/modules/2.6.21-0143.rt1.3.fc6.ccrmart. Not sure why or what their function

3. Why is the ccrma rt kernel not listed in /usr/src/kernels ? I ask because I'm
wondering how grub knows about the ccrma kernel....


Gregorio Canelos

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