[PlanetCCRMA] cardbus echo indigoIO on FC5/CCRMA system (was: Audio interface for laptop on FC5/CCRMA system)

linuxmedia4 at netscape.net linuxmedia4 at netscape.net
Sun Jan 7 10:37:01 PST 2007

On 1/6/07, linuxmedia4 at netscape.net <linuxmedia4 at netscape.net> wrote:
 >> I had inquired lately about the cardbus echo indigoIO.
 >> Maybe I was a bit too detailed...
 >> Simply... could anyone tell me what is involved in getting it up and
 >> running on an FC5/CCRMA system?
 >> I really want to buy one but need to know it's going to work on my
 >> FC5/CCRMA system.

ernst at pulsewidth.ca wrote:
> I recently got and indigoIO for my laptop( running FC5/CCRMA). The
> card worked straight out of the box. I haven't quite got my head
> around the echomixer utility, but the bottom line is that it works and
> works well. I thought about getting the indigoDJ, but I figured I'd
> get more use out of an input pair.

Thanks ernst,

I just needed that little bit of reassurance. There doesn't seem to be 
any (simple, 2 channel, affordable, good quality) sound cards I've read 
up on that even works (I'm on LAU and this group). Some take tons of 
work to get install correctly and then don't have certain functionality 
or are flakey. I just needed to hear someone come right out and say "yes 
it works".

Let's not forget... there's a big difference between "it works with my 
linux distrob" and "it works with FC5/CCRMA". There's so much weeding 
out to do to lead to actually getting a good card (at least a good 
quality 2 channel card).

I'm looking forward to trying the card out. Maybe I can actually start 
producing some music.


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