[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora FC6 and realtime kernel - MOTU drivers

jean-martin Barbut jmbarbut at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 5 14:59:01 PST 2007


I've installed Fedora FC6 on my laptop, Asus A7Vc. It works, but I need to 
have root rights in order to launch jack, configure it and use Ardour 2.
I've seen a tutorial to install a realtime kernel on FC5, can I use it on 
FC6 ? And with a realtime kernel, is it possible to use Ardour and Jack as a 
simple user ?
My other question is regarding MOTU 828mkII drivers... Do You kow about such 
a driver for Linux ???
I'm brand new on Linux and was working on Nuendo in XP environment...



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