[PlanetCCRMA] drop outs with FC8 and latest CCRMA kernel

Mysth-R mysthr21 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 10:38:00 PST 2007

2007/12/28, Hector Centeno <hcengar at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> It wasn't until today that I did some serious audio work using my
> desktop with FC8 and CCRMA. I reported some time ago about having
> problems with an Edirol FA-101 and Freebob. They seemed to be solved
> after a kernel upgrade but now I found that they were just partially
> solved. Jack doesn't die anymore while playing back with Ardour but I
> get frecuent sound interruptions up to a second long. During these
> interruptions the playback cursor in Ardour stops and then restarts. I
> get the same behaviour with Aqualung (music player that can use jack).
> Also I got some system freezes that required hard resetting.  Same
> system but using a USB audio interface (M-Audio Transit) and Jack/Alsa
> works fine.
> Hector
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Yes I got the same issue  with the 2.6.23 last kernel.
Downgrading to the 2.6.22 works perfectly. It seems that it is a kernel
problem. Perhaps, it will be solve with the next one...
Anyway, it works pretty good, and I don't have to re-install Fedora 7 !! :)

tip : don't forget to correctly set your rtirq Script.

Happy new year !!!

*  {^_^} Mysth-R {^_^}
* http://myspace.com/mysthr
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