[PlanetCCRMA] drop outs with FC8 and latest CCRMA kernel

Hector Centeno hcengar at gmail.com
Thu Dec 27 20:14:01 PST 2007


It wasn't until today that I did some serious audio work using my
desktop with FC8 and CCRMA. I reported some time ago about having
problems with an Edirol FA-101 and Freebob. They seemed to be solved
after a kernel upgrade but now I found that they were just partially
solved. Jack doesn't die anymore while playing back with Ardour but I
get frecuent sound interruptions up to a second long. During these
interruptions the playback cursor in Ardour stops and then restarts. I
get the same behaviour with Aqualung (music player that can use jack).
Also I got some system freezes that required hard resetting.  Same
system but using a USB audio interface (M-Audio Transit) and Jack/Alsa
works fine.


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