[PlanetCCRMA] Won't boot: kernel-rt-

Luis Garrido luisgarrido at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Dec 25 05:17:02 PST 2007

> kernel-rt- is the previous one, you could try to
> install that one and see if it works[*]. What were you running before?

Thanks for the tip. Every 2.6.22 kernel crashes at the same place.
Latest 2.6.21 boots, so I'll try to work from there.

I use some kernel customization: ndiswrapper for wlan and phc-linux
(cpu undervolting, I'd recommend to everyone that has a music devoted
laptop to try this one since it helps a lot to keep fan noise to a


So far I used a custom 2.6.20, but it didn't work too well (xran too
much) so I decided to give a try to your kernels to see if you had hit
any good kernel-rt combination that I could patch. I don't remember
now which one, but one of your 2.6.10 kernels for FC2/3 was rock solid
and performed great!

Merry christmas to everyone!


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