[PlanetCCRMA] Won't boot: kernel-rt-

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Dec 24 10:28:01 PST 2007

On Mon, 24 Dec 2007, Luis Garrido wrote:

> Hi there!
> Trying to boot the latest kernel in fc7 in my Compaq nc6120 laptop I
> get a very early kernel bug that stops the boot process. I don't know
> exactly which bug, since the following dump is quite long so the first
> line gets out-scrolled and I don't know where I put my null cable
> which I haven't used in years.
> It seems to be related to the rt patch and acpi, since there are
> messages like need_resched, rt_down, and the acpi=off parameter will
> allow me boot, but an acpi-less kernel seems not a good option for a
> laptop.
> Any suggestions? Otherwise, can anyone suggest a previous combination
> of kernel and rt patch that has proved stable and provides good
> latency?

kernel-rt- is the previous one, you could try to 
install that one and see if it works[*]. What were you running before?

-- Fernando

[*] as it is an "old" kernel you will need to:
   yum install yum-allowdowngrades
and then:
   yum install --allow-downgrade kernel-rt-
I think that should do it...

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