[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [PlanetCCRMANews] For Newbie: Better to use Fedora 7? ISO respins for Fedora 7?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Dec 19 15:47:01 PST 2007
On Thu, 2007-12-20 at 09:46 +1100, Nicholas Manojlovic wrote:
> I get those hard-hangs too. Seemingly random, although I occaisonaly
> get them with the standard Fedora kernel too. I recently had a power
> supply failure, so not sure if my RAM or other components are
> vulnerable. Anyone got any advice on how to de-bug these complete
> freezes? I've got another computer with SSH, so thats an option.
What I have done in the past is to use the serial console. You need a
serial port on both computers, the computer under observation is set to
boot to use the serial port as the console (done through a kernel boot
line argument, for example "console=ttyS0,38400").
Then you have a second computer with a terminal emulator capturing the
output of the first while it boots and works. Kernel panics or things
like that will be output on the serial port and can be captured on the
destination terminal emulator, you can also do a <alt><sysrq>t to echo a
trace of all processes which could then be posted with a cry for help to
the linux kernel mailing list and Ingo :-)
A pain...
There's also a network option called netconsole but I don't know much
about that.
-- Fernando
> On Dec 18, 2007 3:49 AM, Lamar Owen <lowen at pari.edu> wrote:
> On Sunday 09 December 2007, Chuck Cooper wrote:
> > There seem to be lots of (understandable, temporary)
> glitches with the very
> > new Fedora 8 Planet stuff. Would it be easier for a newbie
> (me) to start
> > with Fedora 7 and the Fedora 7 version of Planet?
> While I don't have an answer to the jido portion of your
> e-mail, I do have a
> comment on this.
> I'm running F8 on my laptop, and am testing the PlanetCCRMA
> stuff on F8 on the
> laptop. I've found kernel-rt to be very unstable on this
> laptop; hard hangs
> are frequent, especially under heavy I/O loads.
> On the other hand, I use F7 + PlanetCCRMA heavily on my
> desktop doing
> multitrack production, and it has been quite stable thus far.
> --
> Lamar Owen
> Chief Information Officer
> Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
> 1 PARI Drive
> Rosman, NC 28772
> (828)862-5554
> www.pari.edu
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