[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [PlanetCCRMANews] For Newbie: Better to use Fedora 7? ISO respins for Fedora 7?

Nicholas Manojlovic nicholasmanojlovic at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 14:47:00 PST 2007

I get those hard-hangs too. Seemingly random, although I occaisonaly get
them with the standard Fedora kernel too. I recently had a power supply
failure, so not sure if my RAM or other components are vulnerable. Anyone
got any advice on how to de-bug these complete freezes? I've got another
computer with SSH, so thats an option.


On Dec 18, 2007 3:49 AM, Lamar Owen <lowen at pari.edu> wrote:

> On Sunday 09 December 2007, Chuck Cooper wrote:
> > There seem to be lots of (understandable, temporary) glitches with the
> very
> > new Fedora 8 Planet stuff. Would it be easier for a newbie (me) to start
> > with Fedora 7 and the Fedora 7 version of Planet?
> While I don't have an answer to the jido portion of your e-mail, I do have
> a
> comment on this.
> I'm running F8 on my laptop, and am testing the PlanetCCRMA stuff on F8 on
> the
> laptop.  I've found kernel-rt to be very unstable on this laptop; hard
> hangs
> are frequent, especially under heavy I/O loads.
> On the other hand, I use F7 + PlanetCCRMA heavily on my desktop doing
> multitrack production, and it has been quite stable thus far.
> --
> Lamar Owen
> Chief Information Officer
> Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
> 1 PARI Drive
> Rosman, NC  28772
> (828)862-5554
> www.pari.edu
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