[PlanetCCRMA] f8 kernel, some problems (jack late warnings)

Mysth-R mysthr21 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 02:19:02 PST 2007


2007/12/8, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu>:
> In my f7 laptop I'm seeing problems with Jack and the 2.6.23.x kernels
> (which are the ones released for f8). Many "late" warning messages and
> occassional xruns. It seems to be a problem with system time glitches
> when processes move from one cpu to the other (and that causes jack to
> report the bogus problems).
> A workaround if you hit this problems is to boot with the "idle=poll"
> kernel option, that fixes the problem but of course does not allow the
> cores to go to low power modes.
> -- Fernando

I tried this solution for my troubles with Jack and freebob on my f8 /
PlanetCCRMA, but it does not solve them. I don't want and don't have much
time  to re-install f7. Have you find any solution for this issue ? Do you
think it is possible that an older kernel (2.6.22) works ?
Thank you

All the best,


*  {^_^} Mysth-R {^_^}
* http://myspace.com/mysthr
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