[PlanetCCRMA] Planet on Fedora 8 -- basic questions

Hector Centeno hcengar at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 15:40:42 PST 2007


What I've found useful and safe for creating or resizing partitions
(including NTFS) is Gparted. I've been using the Fedora Live CD which
comes with it. Just boot from it and under Applications/System Tools
you will find it. Then just select your NTFS partition and click on
the Resize/Move button. Before Gparted used to be buggy for NTFS but
it has evolved a lot and now I've been having 100% success.



On Dec 6, 2007 3:42 AM, Keith Sharp <kms at passback.co.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-12-04 at 11:29 +1100, Nicholas Manojlovic wrote:
> > 5. I can't remember how to partition when you already have XP
> > installed (you may be able to resize an NTFS partition with the Fedora
> > installer?), however for practical reasons - it is best to have XP
> > installed first so Fedora can set up GRUB for you.
> The current version of the Fedora installer cannot do partition resizing
> so you'll have to use a different tool.  What I have done in the past
> for machines that already have XP is:
> 1) Boot into XP.
> 2) Install Partition Magic.
> 3) Use Partition Magic to shrink the XP partition leaving free space.
> 4) Reboot to allow Partition Magic to do its work.
> 5) Reboot again to make sure XP still works
> 6) Install Fedora allowing it to use the free space you created in step
> 3.
> Keith.
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