[PlanetCCRMA] [Planet CCRMA] : Jack and Freebob issues on Fc8
mysthr21 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 04:53:02 PST 2007
2007/12/4, Hector Centeno <hcengar at gmail.com>:
> Hi Fernando,
> I took a look to the kwizart packages. I found them here but I didn't try
> them:
> http://kwizart.free.fr/fedora/testing/8/i386/
> They seem to install an alternative libraw1394 that doesn't overwrite
> the official Fedora one (it has a "compat-" prefix in the lib
> filename). There was a recent Fedora kernel upgrade so the modules
> there are not anymore usable, unless you rebuild them of course:
> http://kwizart.free.fr/fedora/testing/8/SRPMS/
> Pure Juju and Fedora kernel doesn't work with Freebob for me but I
> haven't tested the newer Fedora kernel which seems to address some
> issues related to Juju.
Yesterday I have updated my system to the new kernel, and apparently, it
doesn't work. I think I should wait for a new version of the Kwizart
Firewire drivers. Like you said :"There was a recent Fedora kernel upgrade
so the modules
there are not anymore usable, unless you rebuild them of course".
I don't know if there is something particular to do to make the juju work.
{^_^} Mysth-R {^_^}
<A href=http://mysthr.free.fr/ErwanInyzant/>Gagner plein d'argent en restant
chez soit</A>
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