[PlanetCCRMA] the correct install method...
CHristophe T
christoph.t at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 01:45:02 PDT 2007
2007/8/29, Preston Callison <gprestoncmail.com>:
> I just completely reinstalled Fedora 7 to try and get Planet CCRMA to
> work. It was not working on my previous installation so I thought I
> would reinstall, and see what happens.
Reinstall and see what happens is usually not the nice method with
linux, you frequently get the same errors and it doesn't help you
understand the problem. You should have posted on this list (if you
haven't done it before, sorry if you did so and could not resolve your
problem, I may not remember)
> The question I have is about the correct order for installation. So I
> am going to type out what I feel is the correct order. Please let me
> know if there are any mistakes.
> 1) rpm --import
> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/RPM-GPG-KEY.planetccrma.txt
This one is useless, you'll have to accept the key later in the
installation process anyway (but I don't think it would matter if you
do it).
> 2) rpm -Uvh http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetccrma/7/i386/planetccrma-repo-1.0-3.fc7.ccrma.noarch.rpm
> 3) yum install planetccrma-core (then reboot)
> 4) yum install planetccrma-apps
> Is this the correct installation method? Is there anything that I am
> missing? It is very important that I get this to work. Thanks a
> million for any help.
It's perfect,!Just a detail: rebooting after ' yum install
planetccrma-core' would be just in the case you want to use the new
real time kernel immediately (I mean it's not necessary in oder to
finish the packages installation)
> Best Regards,
> Preston
You're welcome ;)
Best Regards
Christophe T
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