[PlanetCCRMA] the correct install method...

Preston Callison gprestonc at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 01:22:01 PDT 2007

I just completely reinstalled Fedora 7 to try and get Planet CCRMA to
work. It was not working on my previous installation so I thought I
would reinstall, and see what happens.

The question I have is about the correct order for installation. So I
am going to type out what I feel is the correct order. Please let me
know if there are any mistakes.

1) rpm --import
2) rpm -Uvh http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetccrma/7/i386/planetccrma-repo-1.0-3.fc7.ccrma.noarch.rpm
3) yum install planetccrma-core (then reboot)
4) yum install planetccrma-apps

Is this the correct installation method? Is there anything that I am
missing? It is very important that I get this to work. Thanks a
million for any help.

Best Regards,

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