[PlanetCCRMA] Faculty Position Opening at CCRMA

Tricia Schroeter tricia at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Sep 28 11:15:02 PDT 2006

Dear friends. 
Please note the following search announcement for a junior faculty
position at CCRMA: 

The Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) 
at Stanford University hopes to fill a junior faculty (tenure-track) 
position in computer music*. The field of specialization is open, and 
might be, for example, in psychoacoustics, composition, engineering, 
new areas of performance, or a combination of interests. Teaching 
responsibilities at the undergraduate and graduate levels will include 
courses in the candidate's areas of expertise. Stanford University is
an affirmative-action employer. The appointment can begin in the fall 
quarter of either 2007 or 2008. 
Candidates should send a letter of interest containing a brief 
description of relevant experience, a current curriculum vitae, and 
names and addresses (physical, e-mail, and FAX, if possible) of three 
referees to: 
CCRMA Search Committee 
Attn: Debbie Barney 
Department of Music 
541 Lasuen Mall 
Stanford University 
Stanford, CA 94305-3076 
The preferred date for receipt of the above materials is on or before 
December 1, 2006. Please do not send any supplementary materials at 
this time. 
* Computer music is a multidisciplinary field drawing on more 
traditional fields such as music composition and theory, engineering, 
psychology, computer science, physics, and applied mathematics. 
Qualified candidates may have doctoral degrees in any of these or 
related areas. An overview of CCRMA research and teaching 
programs is available at http://ccrma.stanford.edu/ 
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