[PlanetCCRMA] specimen for fc5?

Paul Coccoli pcoccoli at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 11:31:01 PDT 2006

On 9/6/06, Luis Garrido <luisgarrido at users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> > > What else can I use to trigger a sample from a midi note on?  Does
> > > qsampler/linuxsampler ONLY do GIG files?
> Yup, currently LS only supports GIGs. You could use a Windows GIG
> editor to create a GIG with your sample.
> You can use swami to put the sample into a soundfont and play it with
> any of the fluidsynth front-ends (qsynth, dssi-fluidsynth, fluidsynth
> m.e.s.s. in muse)
> I never tried it myself, but you could also give a go to the dssi
> trivial sampler.

D'Oh!  I forgot about the dssi trivial sampler.  That should work, and
it's all I really need.  I knew there had to be a simple way.  Thanks!

> There are also chionic and simsam, both somehow stalled/abandoned.
> HTH,
> Luis
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