[PlanetCCRMA] Recompiling CCRMA kernels

Guillaume Morgenstern guillaume.morgenstern@wanadoo.fr
Sun Oct 1 17:55:02 2006


Im new to fc5+ccrma. I want to recompile ccrma rt kernels and add my own
options : SCSI, usb storage etc.. its good i got now low latency but i
cant read samples from my samplers using card readers anymore..

Do you install the kernel sources and rebuilding it then reinstall it or
a normal make && make modules_install and then copying the kernel image
will do.

Im not new to linux/unixes but to red hat packaging system and ccrma

please help, also for alsa do i need to recompile alsa to get maudio
audiophile to work im stuck on ac97..

Id like a make a web page with all the steps I went into to build a
DAW / home studio pc.


