[PlanetCCRMA] FC3 Tyan Problem

Matt Barber brbrofsvl at gmail.com
Fri May 5 12:33:02 PDT 2006


We're running FC3 extremely successfully on a dual-opteron Tyan motherboard
setup.  Everything seems to be completely rock-solid, except that for
whatever reason the 2.6.11 kernel in planetedge hard locks within a couple
of minutes.  The 2.6.10 kernel has served us well, but the perfectionist in
me makes me want to get the edge kernel to work.  Is there anything I should
try by way of passing arguments to the kernel, or disabling something?  I
don't know the ins and outs of differences between kernel versions, but
would it be worth it to try compiling an smp kernel later than 2.6.11 with
the RT patches, or to recompile an 2.6.11 kernel to see if there's something
I can change to make it work?  Do the src kernel rpms for FC4 and FC5 depend
on those distributions, or would it be possible to recompile them in an FC3


Matt Barber
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