[PlanetCCRMA] why pd 0.37

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Mar 14 08:35:05 PST 2006

On Tue, 2006-03-14 at 01:57 -0800, Renato Fabbri wrote:
> I had some problems installing pd 0.39 and jack 0.100,
> so I am wondering why the pd version on the ccrma pack
> is 0.37 and jack is 0.99

This is on fc3, right?
No particular reason except for lack of time. fc4 has 0.38.x which is
also old (but is what we are currently using). Most probably I'll try to
migrate to 0.39 soon (after the quarter is over here at CCRMA). I did
start to migrate fc3 to 0.38 at some point but was never able to finish
the rebuild. 

> being new to linux, I will send the problem details
> (console lines, commands used etc) soon. Just don´t
> know if it should go here, or to the PD list or jack
> or all of them.

If you install from source (specially Jack) make sure that you use
--prefix=/usr in the configure step, otherwise you will have two sets of
libraries and binaries, one in /usr and a newer one in /usr/local. That
will eventually cause problems with applications finding the wrong one
and failing to launch. 

You can always see where the original packages were installed by using
"rpm -q -l", for example, "rpm -q -l pd" will show you where I installed
pd and which files were installed. 

-- Fernando

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