[PlanetCCRMA] fc4 mplayer

David Slimp rock808 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 06:31:03 PST 2006

I got mine from the CCRMA website.
I think it was for RH9:

There were a couple dependencies.... I forget which ones
exactly, but found those on CCRMA site as well, and
made sure to get the versions for RH9 also.
I think in all, it was about 3-4 packages.

Anyway, it worked fine.

I'd suggest you just copy those needed RPMs from RH9 repo to
FC4 repo since they worked flawlessly.  At least it will be easier
for people to automatically get/install.


On 3/4/06, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-03-04 at 15:07 -0500, Buddy Bell wrote:
> > Is there an mplayer for fc4.  I tried apt-get install mplayer but
> > message was E: Couldn't find package mplayer
> Yes, it is not available at this time from Planet CCRMA, you could get
> it from freshrpms. I'd suggest you enable that repo, apt-get install
> mplayer and disable it afterwards (just in case it wants to upgrade
> other incompatible packages).
> -- Fernando
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David Slimp
rock808 at gmail.com

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On open platforms, you'll run into 'you have to learn more to do that.' "
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