[PlanetCCRMA] yummy fix to installing planetccrma-core-* packages on fc5

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Jul 19 14:00:01 PDT 2006

Hi all. I have just released an updated version of yum that adds a new
option to its configuration file. This enables yum to install older
kernels than the latest already installed, and fixes the problem Planet
CCRMA users were having when installing Planet CCRMA kernels _after_
updating to the latest Fedora kernel. 

If you have already installed Planet CCRMA doing "yum install yum"
should get the newest version. 

After installing it add the following line to /etc/yum.conf


and "yum install planetccrma-core" should work fine.

Read the complete instructions for new users in the Planet CCRMA site
Fedora Core 5 install instructions. 

-- Fernando

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