[PlanetCCRMA] yum not choosing CCRMA packages

Hector Centeno-Garcia h.centeno at sympatico.ca
Tue Jul 18 18:15:02 PDT 2006

Ok! Thank you! I guess I didn't have any problems installing the kernel 
because that was the first thing I did right after the fresh install, 
and then I did the system update.

good luck!


Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 20:54 -0400, Hector Centeno-Garcia wrote:
>> In a fresh install of FC5 I configured everything as stated in the CCRMA 
>> web page. I was able to install the kernels but when trying to install 
>> audio applications I found that yum is trying to install packages from 
>> the extras repository instead of the CCRMA, for example trying to 
>> install ardour I get this:
>> Installing:
>>  ardour                  i386       0.99.3-2.rhfc5.ccrma  
>> planetccrma       2.7 M
>> Installing for dependencies:
>>  jack-audio-connection-kit  i386       0.101.1-9.fc5    
>> extras            127 k
>>  liblrdf                 i386       0.4.0-7.fc5      extras             26 k
>>  libsamplerate           i386       0.1.2-4.fc5      extras            153 k
>>  libsndfile              i386       1.0.15-1.fc5     extras            225 k
>>  raptor                  i386       1.4.9-2.fc5      extras            174 k
>> I commented "pkgpolicy'' in the /etc/yum.conf file since the beginning. 
>> Is this a normal behavior? Should I go ahead and let yum install the 
>> packages from extras?
> It is normal, packages are migrating to extras (and I'm trying to track
> the migration). 
> Just yesterday I found a solution for the kernel install issue (it
> involves patching yum). Hopefully I'll have something "releasable" in a
> few days that fixes the problem. 
> -- Fernando
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