[PlanetCCRMA] dssi plugin gui problem

Steve Harris S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Mon Jul 3 14:16:03 PDT 2006

On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 01:22:09 -0400, Nate figlar wrote:
> On 7/3/06, Steve Harris <S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
> >On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 10:56:12 -0400, Nate figlar wrote:
> >> >Which kernel are you running ("uname -a")?
> >> I am running the preempt or known as "edge" kernel however I also
> >> tried the standard stock fedora kernel and still had the same problem
> >> >
> >> >What do you see when you run "strace fluidsynth-dssi"?
> >> OK now for the strange part. I did this command in the preempt kernel
> >> and now it runs fine. the gui came right up. even after that it comes
> >> right up from the gui ccrma menu in gnome. I did some googling earlier
> >> on this and with a user in an agnula forum experienced the same thing
> >> and it mysteriously fixed itself too. There was another post I found
> >> on a chached page in google from the old rosegarden mail list however
> >> it wouldn't let me see the old replies. from what I can see it looks
> >> like some sort of bug in fluidsynth-dssi being it doesn't seem to
> >> kernel dependent or even distro dependent. I will be sure to post
> >> agian if it reoccurs and let you all know what the output of the
> >> "strace fluidsynth-dssi" brings up.
> >
> >If you do it without strace does it still fail?
> actually steve that's the wierd thing after running with strace it
> started fine and everytime after that even without strace. you can
> "fluidsynth-dssi" and starts fine even after a cold reboot. I think
> the problem started when it didn't shut down properly right before I
> first experinced the problem and needed to kill the process. I don't
> think I tried to restart it in a couple of weeks since then and that's
> when it wouldn't start with gui. however whatever the problem was
> strace seemed to fix it, at least for now anyways;). I'll let everyone
> know if the problem returns and go from there:).

Some of the stuff that makes DSSI go is a bit too fussy about the network
settings, but I can't think of anything that might have changed there
without you knowing.

- Steve

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