[PlanetCCRMA] Laptop Install??

7lb9oz Productions viipoundproductions at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 11 11:18:02 PST 2006

Hello all, 
  I have just recently bought a Toshiba Satellite M45-S169, and I am having a little trouble as far as getting linux installed.  I have tried both a Ubuntu Live CD as well as the Fedora Core 3 install cd, both of which do not work.
  With the Live CD, it will boot but cannot start the X server.  With Fedora Core it boots, but hangs just as it is about to start the graphical install.  
  I would prefer to use Fedora Core as that is the OS I am using on my desktop, but since this laptop is more just to have with me at work/school I am not so picky about what distro it runs.
  Does anyone have any advice on how to get linux running on this particular laptop?  Does anyone know if it may not even be possible?
  I appologize in advance if this is a basic or stupid question, but this is the first laptop I have owned so I am kind of on a new learning curve.
  Thanks in advance, 

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