[PlanetCCRMA] Mackie Spike (XD-2) support?

Nick Townsend n.p.townsend at anglia.ac.uk
Sat Jan 7 08:14:02 PST 2006

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has had any experience (good or bad) of getting the Mackie Spike (XD-2) usb audio interface working under linux? I've checked all the usual places and have come up with nothing so far. I'd like to use them in my dual boot a/v lab but am concerned about a potential lack of linux driver support.

thanks in advance


| Nick Townsend
| Audio Technician
| 0845 196 2599
| n.p.townsend at anglia.ac.uk
| Department of Design and Technology
| Faculty of Science and Technology
| Anglia Ruskin University 
| East Road
| Cambridge
| CB1 1PT 
| http://www.anglia.ac.uk

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